I was born on June 16, 2005 at 1:12 in the afternoon. Mommy had a very easy labor and delivery (I like to take credit for making it so easy on her). I was 7 pounds 10 ounces and 21 inches long at birth. The next several hours were very strange. I was no longer in my nice comfortable, warm room. Now I was in a very different place- cold and very bright. People were doing all kinds of things to me and I didn’t really like it, so I cried a lot. But then they gave me to my mommy and daddy and things were so much better. They looked so happy to see me and I was so happy to see them. Then they whisked me away to another room so the doctors could run some more tests and make sure I was healthy. Later, I got to see my mommy and daddy again. I really
enjoyed spending time with them. On Saturday we got to go home. My first car ride was pretty exciting even though I slept through most of it. When we got home mommy and daddy put in my crib- it felt sooo big! Then we all took a short nap on my blanket.
Grandma and Grandpa Compton came later that day to stay for the week. It was neat to have visitors so soon. They were so excited to see me. They really helped mommy and daddy out that week- grocery shopping, cooking, running errands, cleaning up the house, and helping take care of me. Unfortunately, I was so little and young that I cried a lot and needed my mommy so much that they didn’t get to hold me as much as I wished they could have. But the next time I see them they’ll get to hold me a lot! Uncle Scott, Aunt Ashley, and cousins Becca and Andrew also visited that week. It was fun seeing my cousins. I can’t wait until I’m o
ld enough to play with them. Uncle Scott let me sleep on him for three hours!
Also, that week I had my one week doctor’s visit. When they weighed me I was 7 pounds 11 ounces! I had already regained my birth weight plus an ounce! I am a good eater!