I have been very busy these last few weeks. At my four month doctor’s appointment I weighed in at 16 pounds 13 ounces and measured about 26 ½ inches long. I don’t think I’m ever going to stop growing! I also had to get four more shots and I did not enjoy that! The doctor told mommy that she could start feeding me rice cereal with a spoon- I can’t wait to try that. A few days later mommy and daddy put me in my feeding chair and I had my first experience with solids. It was very interesting. I kind of liked eating from a spoon. I’m not sure how much actually got in my mouth, but I think I did a pretty good job!
Probably the most exciting thing that happened, though, is going on my first trip to visit my grandmas and grandpas, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Mommy and daddy took me to Memphis for the first time! We stopped in Knoxville on the way since it was such a long trip. I got to visit my Uncle Scott, Aunt Ashley, and cousins Becca and Andrew. The next day we left for Memphis with my cousin Andrew. It was neat having him ride in the back with me. We talked for a little while, but then both fell asleep. We stopped in Nashville to visit some of mommy’s and daddy’s college friends. I think I remember some of them from when they took me to the lake when I was only 9 days old. I got to meet Aidan. He was very nice. I think next summer he will be at the lake so we will get to play together! Finally we made it to Memphis. First I saw my Grandma and Grandpa Wottle and Aunt Jenny. It was so great to see them again. They were so excited to see me. Then mommy and daddy took me over to see my Grandma and Grandpa Compton. They hadn’t seen me since the first week I was born, so they couldn’t believe how much I had grown!
I was very tired from the trip so we didn’t stay too long. The next day I hung out with my Grandma and Grandpa Wottle, Aunt Jenny, and cousin Andrew for the first part of the day. We had lots of fun. Later that day I went back over to my Grandma and Grandpa Compton’s. A little while later I got to meet my Uncle Michael, Aunt Ginger, and cousin Chloe. They hadn’t seen me yet, so they were so excited to finally meet me. My cousin Chloe was so sweet. She even sang me a lullaby when I got really sleepy. Aunt Ginger loved squeezing my pudgy cheeks and Uncle Michael thought I was really cute.
The next day we went down to Rhodes College where Mommy and Daddy went to school. My Grandpa Wottle works there so we went to visit him and meet some other people. Everyone thought I was adorable! Mommy and daddy wanted to introduce me to Coach Shankman and Coach Clary, but they were not there that day. I guess I’ll meet them some other time.Later that week my Grandma and Grandpa Compton, my mommy and daddy, my Uncle Michael, Aunt Ginger, and cousin Chloe, and me all spent the day together. First we went to breakfast, then we went to a big mall and cousin Chloe pushed me around in my stroller, then we went back to the house and just played. Something very exciting happened that evening- I got my first haircut! I was a little scared, but daddy held me and I did OK. I think Aunt Ginger did a great job! I look even cuter than I did before (and a little more like a boy)!
I also went to visit my Grandpa Compton at work and met some of his coworkers. Everyone was so nice, but I fell asleep shortly after meeting everyone. Then we went to lunch with grandpa. Later that evening mommy and daddy took me to Huey’s to meet some more of their college friends. They were all very nice and Jenny Argo even got me a present! How nice is she! Mommy had to bring me back to Grandma and Grandpa Compton’s so I could go to sleep- my first babysitters!
We had to leave to come back to Fort Mill on Saturday. We stopped in Knoxville again and spent the night at Uncle Scott’s. I wasn’t feeling very good that night and cried a lot. I also threw up after mommy fed me – yucky! On Sunday we left to come home. It was a nice, quiet ride. I was very tired from my trip to Memphis, but it was so much fun. I can’t wait to go back at Christmas!
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