During my fifth month a lot happened. Grandma and Grandpa Compton came to visit again. It was so much fun having visitors! They played with me a lot, while mommy put up a tree with decorations- I’m not sure what that’s for, but I’m sure I’ll find out soon! I also took another trip- this time to a place called Ohio. There were lots of people there I didn’t recognize, but I did see my Grandma and Grandpa Wottle, my Aunt Jenny, my Uncle Scott and Aunt Ashley,
and my cousins Becca and Andrew. It was a very busy time. Everyone had a great feast one night- I think I heard someone call it Thanksgiving. And that same night a man in a bright red suit with a white beard came to visit- I heard people calling him Santa. He was very nice and gave all the kids presents! I got to meet lots of new people and everyone loved me. I had a great time!
I continue to keep mommy very busy. I can easily roll over onto my stomach, but I’m having a very hard time rolling back the other way, so I eventually have to start fussing for someone to come rescue me and turn me back over. I like playing with my toys, especially my activity center. It has all kinds of fun things on it – spinning things, pop-up things, things that make music! It’s so much fun.
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