It has been another busy month for me. I am getting stronger everyday. I can almost sit up without any help. I like to play with my toys this way. It’s much better than having to lie on my back and try to play. I took another trip this month. This time back to Memphis for something called Christmas. Grandma and Grandpa Compton and Grandma and Grandpa Wottle also had trees like the one at my house. There were lots of pretty boxes underneath them too. On one day we got to open all of those pretty boxes. My uncle Michael and Aunt Ginger and cousin Chloe came over to my Grandma and Grandpa Compton’s house. We had a great time tearing paper and seeing what was in those boxes. I got lots of neat stuff- books, clothes, and toys!
Later that day we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Wottle’s house where Aunt Jenny, Uncle Scott, Aunt Ashley, and cousins Becca and Andrew were. We did the same thing- tearing into those pretty boxes. I got more toys and books and clothes! Wow- I think I’m going to like this day! The rest of the time there was spent visiting with all my family! I enjoyed getting to see everyone again!
Click here for my pictures.