Today, mommy and daddy took me to the beach for the first time. Wow, was it neat! I wasn’t so sure about it at first, so daddy and mommy just held me for awhile. They showed me this enormous tub of water that they kept calling the ocean. It went on forever! I also got to walk on some really weird stuff. It felt kind of soft on my feet and it almost kind of tickled. Mommy and daddy called it sand. We walked down the beach for awhile to a giant pier that stretched out across the water. It looked really neat. Then I was getting a little restless, so mommy and daddy took me back to our blanket and sat me down. I think they thought I was just going to stay on the blanket and play with my toys, but they were definitely wrong! I wanted to play in that sand!
It was so fun. I kept picking it up and putting it in my mouth. It didn’t taste too good, though. I loved digging in it and finding these neat shells. I also liked putting those in my mouth. Fortunately, mommy and daddy kept a close eye on me and wouldn’t let me! I was so excited about this sand stuff that I didn’t cooperate very well when mommy and daddy tried to take pictures. But I couldn’t help it! I started to get tired after awhile, so it was time to go. I sure did have a good time in Charleston!
Click here for my pictures.