Today I turned one year old! I can’t believe how fast a whole year has gone by! I’ve done so much already- I’ve learned to roll over, crawl, and walk, I’ve gotten six teeth, I’ve learned to eat all kinds of new foods, I’ve made lots of friends and met lots of relatives, and I’ve been on lots of trips! What a fun year it’s been. To celebrate my birthday mommy and daddy took me to Red Robin for lunch (I think it was more for them than for me, though)!
I got a balloon and the waiters sang “Happy Birthday” to me. I really wasn’t sure what to think of them singing just to me, though. I kind of just sat and stared at them. Later that day, my friend Jack and his mommy and daddy (Deanna and Chris) came over to help me celebrate. Daddy cooked hamburgers and me and Jack played in the yard. We had so much fun. After they ate, we had birthday cake and everyone sang to me AGAIN! Wow- three birthday celebrations! Then we went inside and I opened my present from Jack- I got some neat alphabet letters and numbers for the tub and a fun boat full of fish and a fishing pole to catch them- I think I’ll enjoy bathtime a lot more now that I have two fun toys to play with!
I also got to open presents from my Grandma and Grandpa- they got me .an Elmo sprinkler, some new clothes, and a toy race car that makes funny noises. Mommy and daddy got me a cool drum and other neat instruments to play. I had such a great first birthday. I’m such a lucky boy!
Click here for my pictures