Another busy month for me. At my one year appointment I had my weight and height measured again- I am 30 inches tall and only 21 pounds. I haven’t gained too much weight since my nine month appointment, but the doctor said that was OK since I’ve been on the move so much. I also had my one year portraits taken- these will be the last for awhile. Once again I did a great job posing for the camera. I’ve had lots of practice over the last year! I am in to everything now that I’m a pro at walking. In fact, I’m just about to take off running. I get a little faster everyday. I love chasing mommy and daddy and usually I can catch them!
I still love to be outside and probably would spend the whole day out there, but it’s just been too hot for mommy. Sometimes instead she takes me swimming. That’s been fun. I got a new pair of shoes since I’m walking everywhere now. They’re really cool and I love the sound they make when I walk on the hard floors. I haven’t been eating as well this month- I only like a few things right now- still love mandarin oranges, though. I’m also not a big fan of whole milk. Mommy keeps trying to give it to me, but I only take a few sips. I think she’s really ready for me to like it, though! I got to celebrate the Fourth of July with my buddy Jack and his family.
Mommy, daddy, and me all had a great time watching the fireworks! They were really loud, but I wasn’t scared at all. I also got to go to two birthday parties. Jack had his first birthday just last week and my friend Ethan had his yesterday. It’s funny how all our birthdays are so close together. I had a lot of fun at both! That’s all for this month…
Click here for my pictures.