It’s been another fun and busy month! I’m always on the go and exploring new things and I really like trying to figure out how things work. I’m sleeping much better and eating really well. I enjoy peanut butter sandwiches, grilled cheeses, fruit (especially strawberries), Ritz crackers, and icecream! But I still don’t really like vegetables or milk too much. I’ve gotten one new tooth this month and
I think another one is on the way. I enjoy bathtime again, which makes things a lot easier on mommy. I haven’t said any new words, but I am making lots of new babbling noises. I’ve gotten to do a lot of really fun things this month, too. Mommy takes me to my playgroup once or twice a week and I love playing with my friends. We’ve gone on a few outings with my playgroup this month, too. On one of the outings we all went to a place called Lazy Five Ranch. We got to ride on this
big wagon and we saw lots of neat animals like ostriches, goats, buffalo, and even giraffes! Some of the animals got really close, too. Then we went to the petting zoo and fed some of the other animals. Mommy let me feed the goats- they were very hungry and some were really greedy! On another outing we went to this place called Imaginon. It’s a big library just for kids. We listened to a lady tell some neat stories, although I ran around and played more than sat and listened! Then me and my friends Jack and Kayla and their mommies all took a stroller ride
through uptown Charlotte. We saw lots of neat things. Then we stopped for lunch and there was this really neat fish fountain. These giant fish spit water from their mouths and water came up from the ground! We got soaking wet! It was sooo fun! Also this month, me and mommy and Jack and his mommy and grandma and grandpa and his cousin Gavin all went to the YMCA and played in this really fun pool that was just for little kids. I was even able to
walk through it by myself. They had neat slides and waterfalls. I had a great time! My Uncle Scott, Aunt Ashley, and cousins Becca and Andrew came to visit this month, too! I had such a great time playing with my cousins. It was fun having someone to play with all day. We even got to go visit my Great Grandma and Grandpa while they were here. I guess that’s all for this month! It sure has been fun!
I’ve got lots of pictures this month: play group, Lazy Five Ranch, the YMCA pool, the family visit, and some others thrown in just for the heck of it.