Last night mommy and daddy took me to the Pineville Fall Festival. We met Jack, Gavin, and Ethan and their mommies and daddies there, too! We had so much fun. There was this really neat ride that had lots of lights on it that went around and around and upside down. I was too little to ride it, but I sure did like watching it. Then I did get to ride some rides. Daddy took me on the carousel and I got to ride a
little horse. Then I rode on a train with Gavin and Jack and then we rode on these neat swings! I got a little scared at the end, though (and maybe a little dizzy). Later, mommy took me on a pony! I got a little scared half way through the ride, but I stayed on. It was sooo cool! Last, I got to go down the biggest slide EVER- twice- once with daddy and once with mommy. That was the most fun. Me and my pals sure did have a good time!
Click here for the pictures.