Yesterday mommy and daddy and me took a day trip to Charleston, South Carolina. We went to the Aquarium and the beach. I loved the aquarium. I got to see lots of neat animals like big fish, turtles, alligators, snakes, and birds. There were huge aquariums full of all kinds of neat things. In one of the tanks there was this fish called an eel- I got a little scared of this one.
I even got to put my hands down in some water and touch some crabs! I had so much fun running around and looking at all the neat stuff. After the aquarium we went to the beach. It was really windy and a little cold, but I still had a great time. I dug in the sand and found neat shells. I chased a bunch of birds. I ran under this really long pier. And I splashed my feet in the water a little bit. It was so much fun. I was worn out, so the trip home was very relaxing!
Click here for my pictures (mommy and daddy got a little camera happy so there are quite a few!).