I turned one month old today. It’s hard to believe I’ve been in this world that long. It’s been an exciting month filled with lots of eating, sleeping, diaper changing, and of course a bit of crying. I’m getting bigger and stronger everyday. I can lift my head off of mommy’s or daddy’s shoulder and I’m very good at kicking my legs. I love to snuggle when I take naps, but I also like sleeping in my cradle at night, too. I’ve been on several outings these past couple of weeks and I enjoy getting out of the house.
I’ve had lots visitors, too. Just this past week my grandma and grandpa Wottle came. We had lots of fun. My brother really enjoyed having them here because he got to play outside a lot! Mommy and daddy even got to go out by themselves a couple of times while they were here. I don’t know why they would want to do that, though! I can’t wait to see what next month brings.
Click here for my pictures.