This past Thursday mommy took me to my first day of preschool! My buddy Jack was going, too! It was very exciting but also a little scary! When mommy first took me into the classroom it was awesome! There was a special cubby to hang my new backpack and there was all kinds of fun activities to do like tools, trains, blocks, books, painting, and even a kitchen. I thought mommy was going to stay and play with me, but she said she had to go home and clean the house and wash clothes.
I was OK with that and didn’t even get upset when she left. But after a couple of hours I really started missing my mommy and I wanted her to come back! I cried for awhile, but she finally came back and picked me up. I was very happy to see her. Mommy says I’m going back next week, but I’m not so sure I’m going to like that too much. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see!
Click here for my pictures.