I turned six months old today! I can’t believe I’ve been in this world for half a year now! I’ve been busy this month hanging out with my brother and going to all the fun playgroups! It’s neat watching Ethan play with all his friends and I get to hang out with my friends Hudson, Parker, and our newest addition to playgroup, Savannah! As you’ve read me and my family have done some fun things this month like Festival in the Park and the Mud Run. I really enjoy getting to go to all these neat places! I’ve also been busy getting bigger and stronger.
I can almost sit up by myself now! I’ve learned to blow raspberries, too, and it makes mommy and daddy laugh! I love to watch Ethan dance and spin around and I just giggle and giggle when he does! I’ve gotten a couple of yucky colds this month and mommy thinks I may be getting some teeth. So I haven’t been sleeping as well as I normally do. But hopefully I will get back to my good night time sleep soon! I go to the doctor on Monday, so we’ll found out how much I weigh and how tall I am then.
Click here for a few pictures.