I turned ten months old today! And, of course, it was another busy month of growing, changing, and playing! I’m crawling like crazy now and have started to get a little more curious about what’s going on in other rooms of the house. I’ve managed to stay away from the dangerous stuff like cords and outlets, but I do like exploring other places! I’m very good at waving and I still think it’s just so funny when someone waves at me and I wave back. I’ve learned to clap and whenever mommy or daddy say “Yay, Sydney” I always clap! I still don’t have any teeth, but the doctor said that is normal and not to worry until I’m eighteen months old! I’m getting very interactive with my family and friends and love to “talk” and babble with them. I can say dada and mama, but I’m not really sure what they mean. That’s all the news for this month!
Click here for a few pictures.