Today I celebrated my first Easter! What a wonderful time we all had! First mommy and daddy had a wonderful lunch while Ethan had his favorite meal (peanut butter, cheese, and apples, while I enjoyed some bread and other snacks). Then after Ethan’s nap we got to open our Easter baskets! They were filled with all kinds of goodies- Ethan got some silly putty, some bubbles, and a neat ATV and I got a
book, a lamb and a new bath toy! After that we took a few pictures outside and then came back in to color eggs! Ethan had a great time while I watched and ate my dinner. He did such a good job and the eggs came out great! After bath we got to open the box that grandma and grandpa had sent- Ethan was so excited! He got some cool new markers, a neat kite, a football and his favorite- jelly beans, and I got a new book, a pink bunny and a ball! Then we both enjoyed playing in the box! What a great time I had on my first Easter!
Click here to see the pictures.